Miracle Patches that Heal

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Product Overview


Latest Breaking Research 

Miraculous Effects from wearing 

 Small low dosage  4 mg Nicotine Patches.

Eliminate or significantly reduce the symptoms of:

Tinnitus,  Alzheimers, Parkinsons, long Covid, and many many more seemingly incurable ailments.   Enhance mental clarity.  Improve eyesight and more. 

Loss of taste and smell due to Covid often totally recovered within 5 days of using the patches. 

Pre-dementia patient reports that eyesight and clearer thinking was massively improved within 1 hr of application of the 4 mg patch. 

Why does the Nicotine work when nothing else does?

Nicotine acts as an agonist to the Nicotinic receptor sites already on every cell of your body and brain.   An agonist is an action that "Turns on" and activates a cellular response.  Covid and other pathogenic mishaps act to "Turn off" the response.  That's why these nicotine patches work so fast.  It's as simple as turning on the switches.


Big Pharma does not want you to know

that virtually all of these disorders can be improved or even reversed.  Vanderbilthealth.com validates the hidden research,  as has Harvard University proven since 2015 and before that Nicotine is NOT addictive.  Furthermore in the article Behavioral Pharmacoholgy of the Colonergic System, published on Springerlink.com the agonistic effect of Nicotine ( as well as the much suppressed Ivermectin) definitely "... inprove congnitive function)  

Secrets of Eden has sourced the highest and only proven effective grade of

 Nicotine Adhesive Patches

Available today for a limited time.




Try one package of 15 today.   Apply one patch per day for two weeks and prepare to be amazed!



(This offer subject to be withdrawn without notice.)

Discover why the government and Big Pharma is so intent on ridding the country of Nicotine. 


It's not because it is unhealthy.   I know, cigarettes cause cancer right?  NO - it's the addictive  chemicals added by the Evil cigarrete industry That Causes Cancer.  Actually, tomatoes, some teas and most potatoes contain trace amounts of nicotine.  

The suppressed truth is

 Nicotine is a miracle healing agent.

Try some and see.

DeLebre  1535  said,  "The opposite of what is commonly believed is often the truth"

Resist the mind-control and try some Secrets of Eden Super Powered  Nicotine Patches Today.



(Sorry, limit of 2 packets per order at this time due to high demand and low inventory)

Order Now.


  Note:  Secrets of Eden is as of this date 1/9/2025 working vigourously to obtain from the source mfc of these strips certification of the following:  Original source of the tobacco from which the nicotine is obtained, the chemicals (if any) that are used during the grow process, and any detectible presence of any pesticides.  

It is the opinion of Secrets of Eden that any products produced in our world today are almost impossible to bear the distinction as being "Organic" .  This would include essential oils, and virtually all food products.  The reason is environmental.  The skies, worldwide are being sprayed continuously with various concoctions of (God only knows) a varied cocktail of metals, GMOs, chemicals, and purportedly even vaccination agents.  This aerosolizing of the atmosphere eventually falls to earth where the soils are unavoidably infused and rain and other water sources are also tainted.  Since growing on any large commercial scale requires open air ( as opposed to indoor ) cultivation, while at the same time maintaining what years ago was an "organic"  intention - is dubious at best. This makes the ability to certify virtually anything "Organic" , in its original purest sense, - meaningless.  At best, a certification of "pesticde free" may be the new standard for organic.

From a medical standpoint we believe our Miracle Patches to be free of the presence of pesticide, but for all the above stated reasons, we  have for some time declined to continue to offer them, as organic.  Certainly the adhesive is synthetic.

The bottomline question that remains, is "Do they work?"

The answer to that is unquestionably - yes.  In fact just a few days ago a wonderful couple came to our office for the purpose of informing us that the wife, who has Parkinson's is seeing remarkable results in just two days of using the "Miracle Patches that Heal".   Vast numbers are reporting the return of taste and smell, and still others, note that vision and particularly night vision is sharpened.  Ultimately ( with a few exceptions ) we all are interested in purity, and safety, but even beyond that, we are all interested in results.  Our product can and for most users does, deliver those results.

Updates and other information from the producers and processors of the raw product will be added to this site, as they become available. 

Why LESS is better.

If 4 mg of nicotine is good why not 8 or 15, or even more?  The answer is simple

The human immune system is a complex but,  highly coordinated and efficient maze.  You have hundreds of millions of "biological secret agents" floating around in your system looking for foreign proteins and other "stuff" that is not inherently YOU.  Stuff like virus, bacteria, molds, etc. and all medications.  When detected, the role of the immune system is to identify and paint these "invaders" for other members of the immune system team to zap these invaders and eliminate them.  Even Big Pharma knows that the "trick" to medicating in any form, is to "dose" with just enough medication to get the job done, but not enough to get "detected" and effectively neutralized.  In otherwords "Stay under the radar".  Getting under the radar is the key.  Our 4 mg. dosage is perfect for most people.  This is why when people try to use too much at one time, a nauseating feeling is sometimes experienced.  The "sick" feeling is an immune response. These "Miracle Patches that Heal" are just the ticket.  That's why more and more people are experiencing quick and effective results after only a few days of wearing them. 

Update: Jan. 17 2025. 

We just heard from two people today.   One is jubliant that his vision is sharpening, and the other is getting his taste and sense of smell back.  Wonderful!  We rejoice! What will be your testimony?  

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(29 reviews) Write a Review

29 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Works great ❤️

    Posted by Janet Stephens on 12th Mar 2025

    Love the clean ingredients

  • 5
    Miracle Patches

    Posted by Jean on 12th Mar 2025

    The patches are soothing and don’t disrupt my body, like others have. However, my skin breaks out in hives in the patch location on my skin.

  • 5
    Nicotine Patches

    Posted by Carmen Baudi on 12th Mar 2025

    Thank you for these patches. I know they are hard to get in this quality. Very happy with it, and good for our health

  • 5

    Posted by Holly Christine on 6th Mar 2025

    great product, wear daily and noticing benefits!

  • 5
    Truly Amazing

    Posted by Amy on 6th Mar 2025

    These are great. I am on day four. I am honestly shocked at how much better I feel. I have more energy, which is a big deal to me as I have an autoimmune disorder. I always feel more like "my old self" if that makes sense. My mind feels clearer as well. I am also taking Vitamin C, zinc, Milk Thistle & NAC to help support my body as it clears out the toxins that are being released from my receptors.

  • 4
    nicotine strips

    Posted by Diane Seibel on 4th Mar 2025

    i am grateful to have these. Although not as mentally sharp as I had hoped, I feel there is definite improvement in losing the fog I was experiencing. I am grateful for your product.

  • 4
    Miracle patches that heal

    Posted by Jean Hanson on 4th Mar 2025

    The patches do not give me headaches or upset stomach, as others have done. But, they do leave a rash just on the area of skin it covers.

  • 5
    Miracle Patches

    Posted by Tamera on 3rd Mar 2025

    These patches are a game changer for me. I feel such a feeling of wellbeing and focus which I love!

  • 5
    Healing Patches

    Posted by Denise on 26th Feb 2025

    Like these patches. They seem to give me more energy, and make me feel better! And the company is great to work with if you have a problem!