Colloidal Silver 85 ppm Certified 8 oz. $31.95

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Product Overview

( our video above is being suppressed by Youtube because Youtube bows down to the pressure of Big Pharma.  Big Pharma does not want anyone using cheap and effective agents like silver.  Instead Big Pharma wants everyone enslaved to their pharmaceuticals.)

Corona Virus Defense

and Destroyer

Colloidal Silver 85 ppm Certified 8 oz. $31.95

Although Secrets of Eden does not advocate this or any of our products as a "treatment or cure for any disease" Corona Virus Emergency has caused huge demand for this product.
Inventory is limited.


Silver has been used for thousands of years for health. The ancients knew of its beneficial uses and thus the term "silverware" emerged.  Cups and goblets were made from silver and would inhibit bacterial growth and therefore keep anything in contact with it fresh for a longer time. It is also believed that silver supports the immune system. Friendly flora in the digestive tract are not effected by silver because they are aerobic (oxygen breathing).


 In chemistry, a colloid is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance. Sometimes the dispersed substance alone is called the colloid;[1] the term colloidal suspension refers  to the overall mixture (although a narrower sense of the word suspension is distinguished from colloids by larger particle size). Unlike a solution, whose solute and solvent constitute only one phase, a colloid has a dispersed phase (the suspended particles) and a continuous phase (the medium of suspension). To qualify as a colloid, the mixture must be one that does not settle or would take a very long time to settle appreciably.  Secrets of Eden's colloidal silver is just one such product.

Our customers use it for cleansing of wounds.  Others run it directly into the nostrils or the throat during cold and flu season.   The list of ways

 to use Colloidal Silver is endless and established as generally safe.


( our video above is being suppressed by Youtube because Youtube bows down to the pressure of Big Pharma.  Big Pharma does not want anyone using cheap and effective agents like silver.  Instead Big Pharma wants everyone enslaved to their pharmaceuticals.  However Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.")

Used for 1000's of Years

Best kept Health Secret

Get Yours Today

Only $31.95


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Heals wounds and skin conditions: Robert O. Becker, M.D., a surgeon who was employed at Syracuse Medical University made an amazing discovery by generating silver ions directly into open infected wounds. He found that not only did the silver effectively kill the infectious microorganisms responsible for the disease, but it also triggered remarkable and quite unexpected re-growth of human tissue and bone at the site of the infection. Becker discovered that silver caused cellular repair, resulting in dramatic healing of damaged tissues. In 2012, a research article produced by Pharmacognosy Communications recommended that certain silver preparations should be considered for topical use to treat burns, thrush, periodontitis and other conditions. Silver also helps heal other skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.




Prevents and kills virus’s: Martin Hum, from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, lists silver as one of the natural remedies to stop viruses. The colloidal silver used in modern supplements is a suspension of pure metallic silver in water. It is thought to work by interfering with the enzymes that enable viruses, bacteria and fungi to utilize oxygen. In other words, it suffocates and kills them.




Anti-Inflammatory: The production of pure silver has opened new possible uses of this precious metal. US National Library of Medicine, states nanocrystalline silver-derived solutions appear to have anti-inflammatory/pro-healing properties. Nanocrystalline silver-derived solutions show promise for a variety of anti-inflammatory treatment uses. 




Treats and prevents sinus infections and allergy suffers: A study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology in 2015 says that silver can help sinus infections. Studies also found that hidden infections by pathogens could be a cause of respiratory inflammation associated with common allergies and asthma. Silver destroys Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, which may be the reason why airborne allergy sufferers experience excellent results from using silver. Silver even kills the deadly, drug-resistant MRSA pathogen, now responsible for up to 94,000 life-threatening infections.




Treats and prevents the common cold and flu’s: Small amounts taken daily can boost your immune system and help to prevent colds and flu’s. In 2011 the NIH took 100 children under the age of 12 suffering from the common cold and nasal congestion and assigned them into two groups; the first group was treated with a solution of silver and beta glucan, and the second group with saline solution. Even though both groups benefited from the treatment, 90% of the people in the silver group completely recovered.




Treats and fights against bronchitis and pneumonia: Silver is a remarkable mineral, which can help fight against bronchitis and pneumonia when ingested internally.




Purifies water: Using two teaspoons of silver with a potency of over 30 ppm can purify one gallon of water shown at recent studies at UCLA.


MRSA: Statistics show more deaths are caused by MRSA infections than from the AIDS virus. Recent clinical studies show that silver destroys the MRSA pathogen quickly and effectively, unlike any other infection fighting medication.


Better than an antibiotic: When an individual uses too much antibiotics over a course of time they can develop a resistance to it. Silver, doesn’t create resistance or immunity in the organisms that are killed by it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reporting that more than 2 million people in the U.S. suffer illness every year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections and 23,000 die from these infections. With this said, individuals should seriously consider looking into using silver as possible substitute for antibiotics.




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  • 5

    Posted by Leisha Foss on 25th Oct 2022

    Love all products I purchase

  • 5
    Colloidal silver

    Posted by R. BILLINGS on 30th Apr 2022

    This product is the FIRST thing I grab when I notice I have a yeast infection brewing. Whether it's in my lady areas, under my breasts, or abdominal folds. A squirt on a cotton ball dabbed on the affected area several times a day does the trick. So much better than the thick, yucky creams! More economic too. I have also been using it to treat a fungal infection on my Dad's toes (I do his nailcare once a month). It seems to be clearing it up nicely. He applies it to his affected toes once a day.

  • 5
    Colloidal Silver 85 PPM

    Posted by Thomas Legas on 19th Apr 2022

    The new Labels are fantastic. This is my third bottle of this product. About a month ago my wife got a bladder infection so I told here to try 3 teaspoons a day for a week and the infection was gone by the end of the 7 days. I have also used it for a sore throat and add a teaspoon to my water each day. We will always keep a bottle handy. Thank you Pastor Straw for your great products.

  • 5
    Colloidal Silver 85PPM

    Posted by Tom on 4th Feb 2022

    Excellent products. Started with the Zinc when making Grapefruit/Lemmon rinds mixture. Tried the colloidal silver and my wife used when she got a bladder infection and took 3 tsps per day for a week and it cleared up. Excellent products. Thank you and Aloha!

  • 5
    This is double the amount I would get from say GNC for a cheaper price.

    Posted by Heather Eaker on 26th Oct 2021


  • 5
    Colloidal Silver

    Posted by Destiny's Promise on 10th Sep 2021

    This product is excellent! Thank you for continuing to provide quality products!

  • 5
    Colloidal Silver

    Posted by William Irving on 29th Mar 2021

    Excellent product.. Keeps you well in body and mind..

  • 5
    Colloidal silver

    Posted by Cindy Williams on 30th Apr 2020

    Great , easy to use, no tase, great price

  • 5
    Optimal Quality

    Posted by Yolanda Whitebirch on 11th Jan 2017

    Secrets of Eden is the only place, in my opinion, that sells the colloidal silver at the highest quality. I love this product and I can't live without it. Try it you won't be disspointed....